'You Had to Be There'

'You Had to Be There' es la séptima canción del disco Happiness?, de Roger Taylor.

Composición y producción

Escrita por: Roger Taylor
Producción: Roger Taylor


Roger Taylor - voz principal y coros, batería, bajo, guitarra y teclados
Jason Falloon - guitarras

Versiones oficiales de la canción

1) Versión de estudio (2:58): Séptima canción del disco Happiness?

Letra de la canción

The sweetest moments that I ever had
The most magic memories that I recall
When the man came out and complained in the hall
When I met you, when I met you
'You had to be there'

The darkest hour that I ever lived
And the longest fall that I ever fell
And the sun went in, and the night was hell
When you left me, when you left me
'You had to be there'

The sweetest thoughts that I entertain
Are of happy days that might come again
I don't know your face, I don't know your name
Till we meet again, hope we meet again
'You have to be there'


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